You’ve been dreaming of your own Alabama lake house for years. You’ve saved, you’ve researched, and you’re ready to buy. But now it’s getting into the holiday season, kids are in school, the weather is turning cold, and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of activity on Alabama’s...
Where to See the Greatest Fall Foliage on Alabama Lakes?
While the south doesn’t always get truly breathtaking fall foliage year to year – our hot summers and dry weather tend to make the leaves drop too soon, some years Alabama really puts on a show! 2021 may be a dumpster fire in a lot of ways, but it...
What is a Stilt House on Alabama Lakes?
On many lakes in Alabama water levels can fluctuate yearly, sometimes quite quickly. One prime example is Weiss Lake in Northeast Alabama. This manmade lake’s water level is controlled by Alabama Power Company, and historically, the level drops in September around six feet total, and reaches full pool again...
What is seasonal water on Alabama Lakes?
On several lakes in Alabama, and especially those designed by Alabama Power Company for electricity generation, water levels are controlled on a seasonal schedule. On Weiss Lake, for example, the power company historically lowers the water level in a month-long draw down beginning the week after Labor Day through...